Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow
KCS151 / KCS251 Programming for Problem Solving - Using C Language
Lab Exercises
35. Define a structure that can describe a hotel. It should have the member that includes the name, address, grade, room charge, and number of rooms. Write a function to print out the hotel of the given grade in order of room charges.
File: Prgrm35.c
Author: Aditya Saini
Date: Jan 20, 2021
Description: Program to print out the hotel of the given grade in order of room charges using structure.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct hotel
char name[30];
char add[200];
char grade;
float charge;
int no_of_rooms;
} hotel;
int main (void)
hotel list[100];
hotel key;
int no_of_hotels = 0;
int choice;
int success;
char del_name[30];
char grd;
int i, j;
while (1)
printf ("***Menu***\n");
printf ("1. List Hotels\n");
printf ("2. Edit Hotels\n");
printf ("3. Exit\n");
printf ("\nChoice: ");
scanf ("%d", &choice);
if (choice == 3)
switch (choice)
//List hotels
case 1:
printf ("\nHotel Grade: ");
fflush (stdin);
scanf ("%c", & grd);
printf ("List of hotels of grade %c\n\n", grd);
for (i = 0, j= 1; i <= no_of_hotels - 1; i++)
if (list[i].grade == grd)
printf ("%d. %s\n", j++, list[i].name);
printf ("%s\n", list[i].add);
printf ("No of Rooms: %d\n", list[i].no_of_rooms);
printf ("Rent: Rs. %.2f\n\n", list[i].charge);
printf ("Total %d hotel found.\n\n", j - 1);
//Edit Hotels
case 2:
while (1)
//Hotel Edit Menu
printf ("\n***Hotel Edit Menu***\n");
printf ("1. Add Hotel\n");
printf ("2. Delete Hotel\n");
printf ("3. Exit Hotel Edit Menu\n");
printf ("Choice: ");
scanf ("%d", &choice);
//Exit loop
if (choice == 3)
printf ("\n");
switch (choice)
//Add Hotel
case 1:
printf ("\nAdd Hotel\n");
printf ("Input Grade: ");
fflush (stdin);
scanf ("%c", &key.grade);
printf ("Input Name: ");
fflush (stdin);
gets (key.name);
printf ("Input Address: ");
fflush (stdin);
gets (key.add);
printf ("Input Number of Rooms: ");
scanf ("%d", &key.no_of_rooms);
printf ("Input Rent: Rs. ");
scanf ("%f", &key.charge);
for (i = no_of_hotels - 1; i >= 0 && key.charge < list[i].charge; i--)
list[i + 1] = list[i];
list[i + 1] = key;
printf ("%s added successfully.\n\n", list[i + 1].name);
//Delete Hotel
case 2:
printf ("\nDelete Hotel\n");
printf ("Input Name: ");
fflush (stdin);
gets (del_name);
printf ("Input Grade: ");
fflush (stdin);
scanf ("%c", &grd);
success = 0;
for (i = 0; i <= no_of_hotels - 1; i++)
if (!strcmp (del_name, list[i].name) && grd == list[i].grade)
for (j = i; j <= no_of_hotels - 2; j++)
list[j] = list[j + 1];
success = 1;
if (success)
printf ("Hotel %s deleted successfully.\n\n", del_name);
printf ("Hotel %s is not found.\n\n", del_name);
printf ("Error! Wrong Choice. Try Again\n");
printf ("Error! Wrong Choice. Try Again\n\n");
return 0;
1. List hotels
2. Edit hotels
3. Exit
Choice: 2
Choice: 2
***Hotel Edit Menu***
1. Add Hotel
2. Delete Hotel
3. Exit Hotel Edit Menu
Choice: 1
Add Hotel
Input Grade: A
Input Name: Hotel Obrai
Input Address: Delhi
Input Number of Rooms: 57
Input Rent: Rs. 13500
Hotel Obrai added successfully.
***Hotel Edit Menu***
1. Add Hotel
2. Delete Hotel
3. Exit Hotel Edit Menu
Choice: 1
Add Hotel
Input Grade: A
Input Name: Hotal Chanda
Input Address: Ghaziabaad
Input Number of Rooms: 37
Input Rent: Rs. 12000
Hotel Chanda added successfully.
***Hotel Edit Menu***
1. Add Hotel
2. Delete Hotel
3. Exit Hotel Edit Menu
Choice: 3
1. List hotels
2. Edit hotels
3. Exit
Choice: 1
Choice: 1
Hotel Grade: A
List of hotels of grade A
1. Hotal Chanda
No of Rooms: 37
Rent: Rs. 12000.00
2. Hotel Obrai
No of Rooms: 57
Rent: Rs. 13500.00
Total 2 hotel found.
1. List hotels
2. Edit hotels
3. Exit
Choice: 3
it is giving lots of error
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